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Vantaa Energy’s electricity sales contracts are moving to Oomi Energia as of 1 April 2020

Oomi Energia is a new electricity sales company starting its operations on 1 April 2020. In future, Oomi Energia will take care of the electricity sales of Vantaa Energy and ten other participating undertakings. The new name will first be seen on the electricity bill.

The electricity sales customers of Vantaa Energy will be automatically moved to the new company. This means that you need not do anything at this stage. Your electricity sales contract will continue as normal in the new company. If you have a fixed-term contract with us, the contract will continue as normal until the end of the fixed term. We will notify of any changes to contracts that are valid until further notice in the same way as before, i.e. 30 days before the change becomes effective.

Find out more about Oomi Energia:
– the service price list of Oomi is available on
– the privacy policy of Oomi is available on

Oomi Energia is established by Lahti Energia, Oulun Seudun Sähkö, Pori Energia, Vantaa Energy, and Oulun Sähkönmyynti and its shareholders: Oulun Energia, Tornion Energia, Haukiputaan sähköosuuskunta, Raahen Energia, Rantakairan Sähkö and Tenergia.